Baby Fox Academy is a high quality preschool owned and operated by Laurie and Matt McCracken. At Baby Fox Academy, Laurie brings over 25 years of early childhood teaching experience with various endorsements so your child will be afforded a sound educational environment infused with play-based learning. Baby Fox Academy runs on a structured schedule that balances indoor and outdoor learning and play throughout the day.
In 2014 Laurie McCracken (Mercado) was in a school that chose to focus on The Accelerated Reader Program. This program was a points-based rewards system designed to enhance the reading proficiency of all students. This particular school had recently earned the prestigious International Baccalaureate title and was looking to certify that it was one of the very best schools in the district. The principal challenged every teacher, and in turn every student to do their absolute best in this school wide competition that pitted classroom against classroom in a race to achieve preset goals that were assesed using each classroom’s beginning of the year benchmarks. Laurie worked very hard with her students who ultimately far exceeded their classroom goal.
Our high quality early learning program provides a safe nurturing environment, which is thoughtfully stocked for the growth and development of each individual child. We serve as facilitators and extenders of play, whereby allowing children to be in charge of their own earning.
To set the standard for developmentally appropriate, hands-on, individualized early childhood education. We strive to increase the community’s awareness of the early years and the vital role play-based learning plays in the building of a solid educational foundation.
In our high-quality, early learning setting, we want to allow children to learn and grow through their play. Children should express and explore their creativity in an open-ended way where they have the freedom to make choices and are not limited by unnecessary restrictions.
Sarasota 3755 S Tuttle Ave Sarasota FL 34239
7041 Professional Pkwy E Lakewood Ranch FL 34240
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